CFU Logic Interface (CFU-LI) Specification

The CFU-LI defines a set of common hardware logic interfaces enabling robust (straightfoward, correct, stable, efficient) composition of separately authored CPUs and Custom Function Units.

CFU Logic Interface (CFU-LI) feature levels

The CFU-LI is stratified into four nested, increasingly flexible, increasingly complex feature levels. In each case, a CPU submits a CFU request and eventually receives a CFU respose. For each request there is exactly one response.

LI0: zero-latency combinational function unit: a CFU which accepts a request (CFID, request data) and produces a corresponding response (err/OK, response data) in the same cycle. Example: combinational bitcount (population count) unit.

LI1: fixed-latency, pipelined, in-order function unit: a CFU which accepts a request (CFID, request data, request ID) and produces a corresponding response (err/OK, response data, response ID) in a fixed number of cycles (may be zero). The request ID from the CPU is returned as the response ID from the CFU, and is used by the CPU to correlate the response to some prior request. Example: pipelined multiplier unit.

LI2: arbitrary-latency, possibly pipelined, in-order function unit, with request/response handshakes: a CFU which accepts a request (CFID, request data, request ID) and produces a corresponding response (err/OK, response data, response ID) in zero or more cycles. The request signaling has valid/ready handshake so that a CFU may signal it is unable to accept a request this cycle, and response signaling has a valid/ready handshake to that a CPU may signal it is unable to accept a response this cycle. Example: one request-at-a-time, multi-cycle divide unit with early-out and response handshaking.

LI3: arbitrary-latency, possibly pipelined, possibly out-of-order function unit, with request/response handshakes: a CFU which accepts a request (CFID, request data, request ID, reorder ID) and produces a corresponding response (err/OK, response data, response ID) in zero or more cycles. The CFU may return responses to requests in a different order than the requests themselves were received. Example: a combined pipelined multiply and divide unit, wherein multiply requests are pipelined and require three cycles and divide requests are one-at-a-time and require 33 cycles, such that after accepting a divide request and then a multiply request, it provides the multiply response before the divide response.

To recap, each feature level introduces new parameters and ports to the CFU-LI, in particular:

  • LI0: adds request (CFID, request data) and response (err/OK, response data).

  • LI1: adds request ID/response ID correlation.

  • LI2: adds valid/ready request and response handshakes.

  • LI3: adds request reorder ID constraint, affording in-/out-of-order response control.

Rationale and use cases

This feature stratification keeps simple things simple and makes complex things possible. It anticipates and accomodates a diversity of CPUs that may be composed with CFUs. For example:

  • a simple, one instruction at a time, CPU;

  • a pipelined CPU;

  • an in-order issue, concurrent execution pipelines, out-of-order completion CPU;

  • a speculating, out-of-order issue CPU;

  • a speculating, superscalar, out-of-order CPU;

  • a hardware-multithreaded CPU that issues requests and receives responses for various interleaved threads; and

  • a CPU cluster, of a multiple of the above types of CPU, that share a common CFU.

In general, a CPU that implements LI[k] can directly use CFUs that support LI[k], and can use CFUs for LI[i], i<k, by means of a CFU shim. For example,

  • an LI1(LI0) shim implements LI[1] and encapsulates a LI[0] CFU by forwarding the CF request ID as the response ID.

  • an LI2(LI1) shim implements LI[2] and encapsulates an LI[1] CFU by using pipeline clock enables and/or FIFOs to implement request and response handshaking. the response ID.

The use of request ID/response ID correlation also simplifies CFU sharing among multiple CPU masters. A CFU multiplexer shim may add additional source/destination routing data to a request ID so that subsequent response IDs directly indicate the specific CPU master destination.


TODO: discuss/decide if the above stratification is sufficient. For example, is it acceptable to bundle request handshake + response handshake into one feature level, or do we need a lattice “no handshake -> req handshake | resp handshake -> req + resp handshake”?

TODO: Is CIID always a metadata parameter, or in higher CFU-LI feature levels may it be provided dynamically on a port as part of the request port signal bundle? For example, suppose an LI[>=2] CFU core may implement >1 CI, but when the core is composed into a given SW + HW system by the system composition tool, it may be (must be?) configured and specialized to implement one fixed CI.

TODO: For CFUs with internal state (extra arguments, extra results, accumulators, etc.) define a standard name and behavior for state reset, state save/restore, interrogate state elements.

TODO: Decide how to name Custom Interfaces: VLNV, UUID, …?

TODO: How much of the CFU-LI specification may be specified in IP XACT?

TODO: for LI>=2, is latency bounded? If so is max latency of the CFU (or individual CFID) provided to the CFU client at system composition time? Perhaps CFU metadata?